Gallagher Combined School: A Balanced Education in Midrand

At Gallagher Combined School, located in Midrand, we take pride in offering a holistic and balanced educational experience for children starting from Grade 1. With small class sizes, a unique curriculum that incorporates innovative subjects, and a strong focus on individual progress, our school stands out as a premier learning institution in the area.

Small Classes for Maximum Attention

One of the key features of Gallagher Combined School is our commitment to maintaining small class sizes. In 2022, our average class size was 14 students, ensuring each learner receives personalized attention. For Grade 10 and above, class sizes are capped at 15 learners to provide a more focused learning environment. This approach allows teachers to tailor their instruction to each student’s needs, maximizing their academic potential.

A Holistic Approach to Education

We believe that education is not just about academics; it is a balanced blend of learning, socializing, and physical activity. Our curriculum includes a diverse range of subjects that cater to the development of both cognitive and physical skills.

Compulsory Subjects for Academic Excellence

Our unique curriculum includes the Japanese abacus (soroban) as a compulsory subject from Grade 1 to 6. This method fosters a deep understanding of arithmetic, helping students develop a love for numbers and mathematics. Additionally, compulsory computer lessons in our dedicated computer lab allow learners to progress from basic literacy to more advanced technical skills, preparing them for the digital world.

Extracurricular Activities for Well-Rounded Development

Extracurricular activities play a significant role in the overall development of our students. Netball is played on-site, and on Wednesdays, students are transported to Rabie Ridge Stadium to engage in soccer, netball, and tennis. Chess is also integrated into the curriculum, complementing the cognitive skills developed through abacus learning by promoting strategic thinking and problem-solving.

Swimming and Extramural Activities

Swimming is an optional, year-round activity conducted in a heated pool, providing an excellent opportunity for physical exercise. Although swimming lessons are voluntary and come at an extra cost, many students take advantage of this beneficial activity. Additionally, our school offers various other activities such as gymnastics, drama, singing, and ball games, all of which contribute to the social and physical development of the learners.

A Unique Educational Experience

Gallagher Combined School prides itself on offering an educational experience that goes beyond the standard curriculum. Our dedication to excellence in teaching and the unique learning methods we employ set us apart from other schools in the Midrand area.

The Only School Offering Free Abacus Math

We are the only school in Midrand that offers the Japanese abacus (soroban) as a free, compulsory subject for all learners from Grade R onwards. This method of learning strengthens numeracy, arithmetic, and mathematics, giving our students a significant advantage in their academic journeys.

Robotics and Advanced Learning

From Grade 7 onwards, robotics is introduced as a compulsory subject, equipping students with the skills needed for the future. In addition, from Grade 5 upwards, students engage in science, public speaking, and debating, encouraging critical thinking and effective communication.

Sports and Physical Education

Sports are an integral part of the school experience at Gallagher. From soccer and netball played on our sports field or hard courts, to inter-school swimming galas, physical activity is a compulsory and essential aspect of the curriculum. We believe that a healthy body contributes to a healthy mind, and as such, all students are encouraged to participate in physical activities.

High Standards of Education and Discipline

At Gallagher Combined School, we hold ourselves to the highest standards. We aim for excellence in everything we do, and this philosophy is reflected in both our academic curriculum and extracurricular activities. Every Friday, we dedicate time to quizzes, drama, singing, chess, and other engaging activities to foster creativity and critical thinking.

Our approach to education goes beyond “good enough”—we strive for perfection and expect excellence from both our learners and staff.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the school registered with the Gauteng Department of Basic Education?
Yes, Gallagher Combined School is fully registered with the Gauteng Department of Basic Education. Our registration number is JE 700 400 680.

Do you offer school transport?
Yes, we provide school transport, including transportation for extra-mural activities.

Can I drop off my child before 07h00?
Yes, a teacher is present at the gate from 06h00 to monitor early arrivals.

Is Gallagher a new school?
The school was re-established in January 2016, based on a vision of abacus-based learning. Although a previous school operated under the Gallagher name in 2014, it closed due to a lack of business skills. Under new leadership, the school has flourished, with a strong focus on providing a unique and effective educational experience.

Do you offer Debit Order payment options?
No, we only accept payments via EFT, cash, or swipe card due to challenges with debit order transactions in the past.

What happens if I fall behind on school fees?
Students whose fees are in arrears will not be admitted to class, and reports will be withheld until fees are settled.

Does the school provide food or have a tuck shop?
Yes, the school offers food options, though we are committed to providing healthy meals and avoiding junk food.

What is Abacus Math?
Abacus math is a unique method that uses a Japanese abacus (soroban) to teach arithmetic. Students learn to visualize the abacus in their minds (anzan), which develops both the logical and creative sides of the brain. This method significantly enhances their math skills and cognitive abilities.

Are parents expected to assist with homework?
Yes, parents are encouraged to help with reading and spelling exercises. However, abacus homework is designed for independent learning and should not involve parental participation.

Is the abacus on the stationery list the same one used for abacus math?
No, the stationery abacus is a Russian-style abacus used to teach numeracy, while the soroban is used for abacus math.

Where can I view the school uniform?
The uniform is on display in the school’s reception area. Parents can order directly from a tailor, minimizing additional costs.

Register Your Child Today

Spaces at Gallagher Combined School are limited, with class sizes capped at a maximum of 25 students. For more information or to register your child, visit the school website at Gallagher Combined School.

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